
蔚来坠车事件曝新内幕 !员工签生死状马斯克谈可能破 [ファッションモデル]

蔚来坠车事件曝新内幕!员工签生死状 马斯克谈可能破产,Boring开挖隧道作何用?智能浴缸大漏洞:黑客可远程杀人 B站大推NFT,要转型了?Twitter Notes来了!植物肉骗局 硅谷观察0624

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UFOStage3T heme:SkyRuin(R [女優]

UFO Stage 3 Theme: Sky Ruin (RE-EXTENDED)
The Stage 3 theme from Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object

Another great theme - it takes the light soaring theme from Stage 2 and just turns it into a whole song. I listened to this song on windy days in summer, it was lovely.

The perfect music for a dogfight over a flying ship. I enjoy the way the background shifts and tilts as you fly around the ship, like you're trying to find the best way to attack but keep getting blocked off.

And then here comes the giant fist....

Artist: ちろ (tag: chiro_(suzuka98))
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